
Acupuncture 鍼 Teishin

Japanese acupuncture uses very fine needles. The intention here is to bring the body’s energy pathway system into balance and thus strengthen it. In addition to acupuncture needles, I also use Teishins, which are placed very lightly on the skin. Since these metal tools do not go under the skin, the treatment is completely painless. I use them to treat individual points,  larger areas and also scars. Working with Teishins makes it possible to notice subtle changes on the skin and in the body. At the end of a treatment, if it’s appropriate, I also like to stick gold spheres or permanent needles onto the skin or ear, which then gently stimulate the selected acupuncture points for a few days.

Moxa 灸

Moxibustion Kyū uses glowing moxa herb made from pure mugwort (Artemisia Princeps Pampanini) to treat areas of the body and specific acupuncture points. It can provide the body with energy and treat pain well. Moxa is perceived as very pleasant and calming and I incorporate it into almost all of my treatments. I mainly use two types: moxa cones called Chinetsukyu, to strengthen general vitality and rice grain moxa, and Okyū, the size of rice grains, for allergies and to strengthen the blood and immune system.

Qìgōng-Tuīná  氣功推拿

Qigong Tuina connects meditation with Chinese massage and is not yet widespread in Europe. This method makes it possible to loosen tissue in a very gentle way and make it permeable again. I use Qigong Tuina primarily to treat pain, emotional imbalances and emotional trauma. Qigong Tuina develops its power through gentle touch. The treatment is carried out using my hands, which I gently place on the areas of the body that require touch and support. With this method, patients can experience the security that is needed to perceive, feel and allow stagnant emotions in the body to flow again.

Nutrition • Nourishing life 養生

YANGSHENG • Nourish yourself and your life! I live and teach the life care approach Yangsheng: Eat a balanced diet, engage in physical activity, get plenty of rest. As part of the initial consultation, I address these everyday areas of life. With many problems, it helps enormously to adjust your own lifestyle a little. It is important to me that you shape your life with joy and treat yourself with curiosity and compassion. The goal is to understand and love yourself better.

NUTRITION • Your recovery process can be supported very well at the level of nutrition. You can build up plenty of energy through your diet, cultivate a harmonious relationship with your own body weight and also get a better handle on stressful digestive and skin problems. We can design any plan step by step and at a pace of your choosing. I can work out a recommendation for you based on your medical history and gently accompany you in the first steps of implementation. We can talk more about implementation and everything else that comes up in the process in your follow-up treatments. 

HERBAL TEAS • Whenever there is a very specific problem, such as menstrual problems, I prescribe you a herbal tea formula, which is usually consumed over a few weeks. I prefer to work with local, western herbs, which I then compose for you in accordance with the principles of Chinese medicine.

QIGONG • I’ll show you exercises with which you can strengthen and stabilize yourself and easily regulate yourself in stressful situations. Very sensitive people often end up in my practice and I show them, with the help of Qigong, among other things, how they can effectively protect themselves if they have boundary problems.

Initial Consultation (2hrs)

We begin by talking about your concerns together in detail over a tea, where we will examine your current circumstances in life and take also your lifestyle into account – this corresponds to a holistic approach. We identify together which areas and concerns to prioritize.  It often becomes clear first during this conversation that there are multiple areas of concern, which may be addressed in parallel during treatment. After our talk and the diagnosis of the pulse, tongue and abdomen, we go straight into the first treatment.

Follow-up treatment (1hr)

Follow-up treatments usually take place every 1-2 weeks. You decide the exact rhythm, whatever feels best to you. Acupuncture originally emerged from prevention, a prophylactic  against illness. There are, therefore, benefits to regular treatments. Many new patients want to know in advance how often they should come. From my experience, there are differences depending on the type and duration of the symptoms, health goals, and other factors. After the initial anamnesis and your response to the first treatment, I can share a more precise assessment with you, as I will then know your system better and see how your body responds to the treatment and integrates it. However you choose the pace, we always find a way to customize your treatment!

Costs • Prices

Private pay / statutory health insurance:
Initial consultation: 120€
Follow-up treatments: 70€

Private health insurance / Supplemental health insurance:
Initial anamnesis: 120€
Follow-up treatments: 70-80€

You can pay cash or per bank transfer. Appointments can only be canceled/postponed free of charge up to 24 hours before the appointment.